This beautiful friend has been wanting updated family pictures for years. And years. And years.
Last year, her sweet hubby entered my Mother’s Day photo shoot giveaway and enlisted the help of his family and friends (give a shout out if you are one of them!). His efforts paid off and he won the photo shoot for his lady. Isn’t that adorable?! Trust me, it is way cooler than winning a stuffed unicorn at the fair.
For the last seven years they have been waking up in the shadow of the beautiful Superstition mountain range and decided that since they are moving far away (boohoo!), they wanted it as their backdrop. We spent the evening out in the desert awaiting just the right light to capture the red rock at its finest. It was so beautiful. This IS Arizona, and don’t you dare forget it!
Here are 5 more reasons why I am so glad Geoff won this photo shoot for his wife. My family and I are going to miss these faces SOOOO much and now I have tons of pictures to make up for their absence. I also have some great blackmail pictures incase they forget to come visit or put incorrect postage on the box of my favorite cookies they will send at Christmas.
Happy Mother’s Day Rhonda! You are certainly one of the busiest, most organized, kitchen accomplished, selfless and kind Mothers I know. Gonna miss you!