Monday, March 29, 2010

Must. Rest. Cheek.



This is one of my all time, favorite black and whites.  I edited another version of it where I removed the dirt, food smears and little scratches.  Then I decided that for this image, it would be a little like scraping the frosting off a cookie.  Unthinkable!

Hey Little Boy Blue, whatcha thinkin'?

bear canyon 7-09-113-2wwm ben


It is my entry for the dramatic black and white challenge over at

Go check out some of the other moody, dramatic and stunning entries.  Or enter your own!



Sunday, March 14, 2010

And then I jumped for joy!

Remember this picture?

mesa arts center-10-2

Well, after trying for how many months now to win a challenge at, I finally did.

It was only 9th place, but I did it! Technically, it is not a fabulous shot, but I love the colors, contrast and frozen motion. And the flexibility of youth.

Yaaaaaa. See it here.

And now I get my first button--Ta Da.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Jumpin' for Joy!


There was a girl

who loved to twirl

and leap

and jump


So I entered her picture in iheart face's weekly challenge.

Jump on in and join the fun.


mesa arts center-10-2

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The quickest sneak peek ever!


Here you go little lady. . .








Friday, March 5, 2010

Kate Turns Two!


A little over a year ago, this little doll Kate turned one and I got to do her birthday pictures.   That photo shoot is here.


Since then she has sprouted the softest golden locks and the most adorable and agreeable personality.  She kept us laughing and running with her sweet energy and I just couldn't get over how happy she was to have her picture taken.  There is not a drop of terrible in this two year old!














I nearly cried at how her beauty came thru the camera lens and made some of the most incredible images.  They are simply breathtaking, wouldn't you agree?


Happy birthday Kate!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Incredible Shrinking Man


Do you want to know why this guy is smiling?  He has over a hundred reasons!


Meet Chuck.  He is a man who has been in my Spin Cycling class at the gym for well over a year.  Maybe more.  Maybe less.  I don't know (some times I feel like I was born at the gym) but I do know he always sits in the same spot next to the door.  I know that he is punctual and consistent.  I know that is he friendly and a source of inspiration.

I also know that when I first saw him in class he looked very different than he does now.  At first I didn't really notice the weight loss, but then it just seemed every time I saw him, he was getting smaller and smaller, hence the post title.

Recently he quietly announced he had hit the 100 mark.  Yes, that is right, 100 lbs gone!  Not lost.  I hate that term, lost.  He didn't lose the pounds, he worked HARD to get rid of them.  If anything he GAINED.  He gained better health, more energy, a drive to help others and really a whole new life.

Congratulations Chuck!  See ya at the gym.










Here is his college ring that finally fits again.  Well, kinda.  He has to put tape around it to keep it on!

chuck lafferty1


The amazing before and after.  Wow.

Chuck Laffertyb


If you would like more information, Chuck can be reached at:



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