I have an exciting season of taking family portraits coming up and I have enjoyed watching the calendar fill up. Thanks guys!
Generally after a photo shoot I post a sneak peek with my favorite pics as well as my thoughts of the time I have just shared with the person or family. That part is so much fun, but SO time consuming because the writing part of my brain is sloooooow and it takes a lot of time to get it "just" right. In order to speed up the process, I will be ditching the narration and just put up the pics which are really the coolest part of the whole thing any way.
I am guessing for most viewers, they see "blah, blah, blah ... Oh wow, cool picture. . .blah, blah, blah. . .Oh wow, cool picture." So, I will save you all the blah, blah, blah and get right to the serious stuff. Pictures.
And, in the end, it should mean you get your pictures a little faster.
PS I am trying to plan a VERY cool photo experience that involves pictures with Santa. Watch for the announcement because it will be limited time slots. Ho, ho, ho.