Saturday, December 13, 2008



Not only did this stylin' couple bring

tolboe 062-1

two darling

tolboe 435

daughters to the photo shoot, but they also brought the most awesome

tolboe 218


tolboe 195

We had a little fun with it.

tolboe 235 

Well, maybe A LOT.

tolboe 661

They also brought a flair for fun.  Who else would LET this

tolboe 629

happen in the middle of December?

tolboe 626 


Thanks guys, you are wonderful.

 Tolboe Family-1

tolboe 171

Thursday, December 11, 2008

"Which one?"

"This one right here!"
I LOVE when children share special little things about themselves.  This sweetheart has a loose tooth.  I hope the tooth fairy is on alert!riordan 211

Big brother has a great giggle and was so nice to his sister.  I am sure Santa was taking notes.  He loves when siblings get along.
riordan 220 
See what I mean?  Nice.
riordan 023   
And nice again.
riordan 029
It must come from his nice parents!
riordan 144
riordan 382
riordan 077
Thanks again, I had a great time.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Meet Iron Man


Have you met Iron Man?  I did tonight.  I even know what he sounds like--"schwoooooo, kachshoooooooo,". . . or something like that.

waite 245 waite 473

He belongs to this classy couple.

waite 367 

Together they make one happy, beautiful family.

waite 265waite 283waite 411

waite 371

 waite 462

Thanks Iron man and fam.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Mr. Blue Eyes

Here are the bluest eyes I've ever seen.  I think I am still hypnotized.
He belongs to a darling young couple.  Aren't they lucky?!  So is he.
Thank you for a beautiful night at the fake lake.
Bawden 316-1   Bawden 049   Bawden 225   Bawden 115Bawden 387  Bawden 326 Bawden 474

Superb Urban Shoot


I'd like you to meet the family who introduced me to my first "urban" photo experience.  It was superb.  Baby was amazing.  I couldn't ask for more.

Thanks guys!

brown 251brown 371 brown 327    brown 069 brown 012 brown 016brown 044 

brown 482

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I don't think this doll cried once!  This is a little girl adored by Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and assuredly many more including me.
Thanks for sharing her for just a little while.
 mya 208color    mya 229mya and wyn and kielyn-1mya 313colormya 088 mya 275-1   mya 158  mya and wyn and kielyn-2

same cook, same look, new name

My photog blog has a new name!  It is. . .drum roll please. . . .


Head First Photo!  


  • Reason #1  Because I mostly take pictures of heads. 

Sometimes I take pictures of feet,

reynolds 186 reeves, colburn 195 mya 169mya 215mya 209

but mostly I take pictures of cute, sweet, adorable, precious heads!


  • Reason #2 That exact name was not taken that I know of in my very extensive 15 minute search.


  • Reason #3  I am making a REAL website, and I have a REAL domain name and I have a REAL web master (that's you Dan).  Look for it to be revealed sometime next year if I can figure out what I am doing.


  • Reason #4  'Cause when I got my sweet camera for my birthday in Sept., I had not even thought of taking pictures of anyone besides my family, dog and turtles.
  • Somehow I jumped "head first" into a world I never dreamed I'd be in.  Thank you all for your support and encouragement.


  • Reason #5 I have a form.  I made it myself.  If you have an upcoming shoot, you will see it.


And that is about it.


If you are looking for the previous photo shoot posts, they are still at  .


Thanks for stopping by.


© 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012,2013, 2014, 2015,2016, 2017,2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 All HEAD FIRST PHOTO images on this site are protected under the US copyright act and it is illegal to copy, scan, and print images without consent from the copyright owner.

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